How to Hack Facebook using phishing and preventing
This simple article will help you to Hack Facebook using phishing and prevent. Share it with your friends and stay secure online.
A phishing page to hack facebook account can be done using the social engineering toolkit that is already installed in Kali Linux OS. The phishing link should be sent to the victim from the same local area network as you and the data that the victim enters on the fake page will be stored in a file on your machine. Tutorial Hacking Facebook using Phishing Method Fake Facebook Website. Facebook website/phishing is a way to make and create fake website according to the real website for negative purpose, such as: stealing credentials, data, etc. Answer: It happens because to detect a phishing page, web hosting sites are tracing the name of folders you are uploading, if they found same name as Facebook or any other site, then they dont let you make that folder/ or just block access of files from that folder.
I hope you are successfully read our article about Facebook hacking methods and preventing description.
Well now am going to teach you Hack Facebook using phishing and securing method from hackers using phishing.
Hack Facebook using phishing
Read below article, it will teach you how to create a phishing page
Step 1.
We need to make Facebook page login script Go to (if already logged in just log out)
Right, click on any blank space on the login page. Select 'View Page Source'. You will get the source code of Facebook login page Copy that code into Notepad.
Step 2.
Now you have to find (Press ctrl + f) for 'action=' in that code. Just copy that without quotes You will find the code like below screenshot
The big red ring that circles the 'action=' You have to change it into ‘action='next.php' ‘. After you are done, you should modify the method (small red circle on the picture) to 'get' instead of 'post', or else it will not work. Save the document as the index.html file.
Step 3.
Now we need to create the 'next.php' to store the password. so open the notepad and type the following code:
header('Location: ');
$handle = fopen('pswrds.txt', 'a');
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, '=');
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, 'rn');
fwrite($handle, 'rn');
Save this file as 'next.Php'
Step 4.
Just create a new notepad file and name it 'pswrds.txt' without any contents. Save it.
Now upload those three files( index.html,next.php,pswrds.txt) in any of subdomain Web hosting site.
Note: that web hosting service must have PHP feature.
Use one of these sites, (free), or
Use this sites through the secure connection sites(so that you can hide your IP address)
Step 5.
Just send the phishing website link to your victim.
This is the method hackers using phishing. Now am going to tell you this way is the fully cyber crime and here added Only for study purpose. Read below; I'm writing how to escape from phishing and phishing links.
Hack Facebook Account Using Phishing
Hoyle board games 2003 free download. Hack Facebook using phishing
Secure your facebook account from phishing attacks
Step 1.
Always log in with link (must be typed in address bar of your web browser)
Step 2.
avoid external, and harmful links send by any unknown persons
Step 3.
If anyone sends you a link and you redirected to facebook login page(look like) just confirm that the link is and it should be secure protocol (https://) in address bar
We hope now you have better knowledge about Hack Facebook using phishing and preventing methods. Share with your friends and help them to stay secure. If you have any doubts, Feel free to contact us. We will help you. Thanks for reading hack facebook using phishing. You can comment the doubts about hack facebook using phishing. We will reply you.
Note: All our contents are fully created for the educational purpose and do not misuse any of this contents Copyrighted contents Don't copy without our permissions. just visit copyright policy
5 Steps How to Hack Facebook Account Password is the tutorial I made to continue the other how to hack a facebookaccount tutorial from
On How to Hack Facebookphishingattack page (see here) there is a comment from jordin71 that asking for the new facebook offline page, because the last tutorial is the old facebook interface. So we decide to make the new one to update the facebook offline file.
We also want to remind you again that this tutorialHow to Hack Facebook Account and the downloadable file is free to use and the purpose is for education. we're not responsible for any misuse of this file.
I hope you are successfully read our article about Facebook hacking methods and preventing description.
Well now am going to teach you Hack Facebook using phishing and securing method from hackers using phishing.
Hack Facebook using phishing
Read below article, it will teach you how to create a phishing page
Step 1.
We need to make Facebook page login script Go to (if already logged in just log out)
Right, click on any blank space on the login page. Select 'View Page Source'. You will get the source code of Facebook login page Copy that code into Notepad.
Step 2.
Now you have to find (Press ctrl + f) for 'action=' in that code. Just copy that without quotes You will find the code like below screenshot
The big red ring that circles the 'action=' You have to change it into ‘action='next.php' ‘. After you are done, you should modify the method (small red circle on the picture) to 'get' instead of 'post', or else it will not work. Save the document as the index.html file.
Step 3.
Now we need to create the 'next.php' to store the password. so open the notepad and type the following code:
header('Location: ');
$handle = fopen('pswrds.txt', 'a');
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, '=');
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, 'rn');
fwrite($handle, 'rn');
Save this file as 'next.Php'
Step 4.
Just create a new notepad file and name it 'pswrds.txt' without any contents. Save it.
Now upload those three files( index.html,next.php,pswrds.txt) in any of subdomain Web hosting site.
Note: that web hosting service must have PHP feature.
Use one of these sites, (free), or
Use this sites through the secure connection sites(so that you can hide your IP address)
Step 5.
Just send the phishing website link to your victim.
This is the method hackers using phishing. Now am going to tell you this way is the fully cyber crime and here added Only for study purpose. Read below; I'm writing how to escape from phishing and phishing links.
Hack Facebook Account Using Phishing
Hoyle board games 2003 free download. Hack Facebook using phishing
Secure your facebook account from phishing attacks
Step 1.
Always log in with link (must be typed in address bar of your web browser)
Step 2.
avoid external, and harmful links send by any unknown persons
Step 3.
If anyone sends you a link and you redirected to facebook login page(look like) just confirm that the link is and it should be secure protocol (https://) in address bar
We hope now you have better knowledge about Hack Facebook using phishing and preventing methods. Share with your friends and help them to stay secure. If you have any doubts, Feel free to contact us. We will help you. Thanks for reading hack facebook using phishing. You can comment the doubts about hack facebook using phishing. We will reply you.
Note: All our contents are fully created for the educational purpose and do not misuse any of this contents Copyrighted contents Don't copy without our permissions. just visit copyright policy
5 Steps How to Hack Facebook Account Password is the tutorial I made to continue the other how to hack a facebookaccount tutorial from
On How to Hack Facebookphishingattack page (see here) there is a comment from jordin71 that asking for the new facebook offline page, because the last tutorial is the old facebook interface. So we decide to make the new one to update the facebook offline file.
We also want to remind you again that this tutorialHow to Hack Facebook Account and the downloadable file is free to use and the purpose is for education. we're not responsible for any misuse of this file.
1. Facebook offline page (download)
2. Windows xp license key registry location. MySQL Table Query (the MySQL table for this tutorial)
5 Steps How to Hack Facebook Account Password:
1. Download the facebook offline file from the link above
2. Inside the facebook.rar file there are 3 files (index.php, login.php, and view.php) you need to configure 2 of them (login.php and view.php) to match with your database server configuration.
3. In this third step, you can view my previous tutorial about how to hack facebook account using phishing method (see the tutorial here)
4. This is the fake facebook page interface preview screenshot using my browser.
Facebook Phishing Download
5. If someone logged in, we can view the harvested passwords in view.php page.
Phishing Hack Facebook Accounts
1. See carefully the browser address bar URL, do not continue to browse if you find the URI is mistyping, only the real one.
2. If you type your username and password correctly, but the facebook page redirect you to wrong username or password error page, see the browser address bar URL in case you open the fake facebook page.
Hope you found it useful 🙂
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